Charts providing deflection at burial depths up to 100 feet. Graphs are for DR35 and Heavy Wall DR26.
Water and sewer hydraulic design are reviewed in Chapter 9 of the Handbook of PVC Pipe Design.
PVC Sewer Pipe Standards are summarized on a single sheet. Both sanitary sewer and storm drainage standards are listed.
This comparison of PVC and fiberglass gravity sewer pipes is based on decades of flexible-pipe research and field experience. A review of the properties and capabilities of both materials shows PVC to be the better choice.
Photo demonstrates how flexible PVC can be used in shallow bury applications.
This document has been developed by the Uni-Bell PVC Pipe Association for design and installation of PVC fittings where solid-wall PVC pipe is used in non-pressure applications. The guide provides information on the wide range of fittings that are available for various dimension ratios and outside diameters of PVC pipe through 60-inch. Also included is information on installation practices.
Comparison of PVC and fiberglass large-diameter sewer pipes
This Technical Report, "Deflection: The Pipe/Soil Mechanism," details design procedures for predicting long-term deflection of buried PVC pipe.
Recent hydraulic research on new and in-service PVC pipe has confirmed that industry-recommended flow coefficients are conservative for design of pressure and non-pressure pipes.
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