PVC water and sewer pipe producers contribute more than $14 billion dollars of current annual output in the U.S., supporting over 25,000 jobs in downstream and related contracting, distribution and utility organizations.
Sustainable Solutions Corporation (SSC) paper on the importance of using transparent and verifiable standards when determining the environmental impacts of a pipe product. No other pipe material has disclosed environmental impact to as transparent and regulated a degree as the PVC pipe industry.
This comparison of PVC and fiberglass gravity sewer pipes is based on decades of flexible-pipe research and field experience. A review of the properties and capabilities of both materials shows PVC to be the better choice.
This Canada-specific comparison of PVC and polypropylene (PP) sewer pipes is based on: (1) For PVC sewer pipe – decades of research and field experience: (2) For PP’s new sanitary-sewer pipe – brief history of usage with unknown longevity
Shows that for trenchless applications PVC is by far the most widely used pipe, with the longest life cycle and is easiest to maintain or rehab (see pages 8-11).
Health, safety, and the environment: PVC pipe’s performance is outstanding across the board.
Comparison of PVC and fiberglass large-diameter sewer pipes
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