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Welcome to the PVC Pipe Association's online webinar training series. Our webinars offer educational and informative workshops on an on-going basis to support the use of PVC piping in water and wastewater systems. Webinars include examples of how PVC pipe has benefited utilities across North America.
We also provide customized webinars on the design, specification and installation of PVC pipe for water and sewer projects. Let us know if you would like us to organize a webinar for your organization by emailing info@unibell.org.
*Note for PVC Pipe Association webinars offering Professional Development Hours (PDHs): Continuing education requirements for professional engineering licenses may differ from state to state. The final authority to approve PDHs, courses and credits and other ways to earn credits rests with each state licensing board. Individuals are advised to contact their respective state licensing boards regarding their continuing education requirements for professional engineering licensure.
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