Welcome to John’s Blog. Answers to frequently asked questions are periodically posted here. The objective is to share information about PVC pipe with readers as well as with utilities, design engineers and pipe installers. The blog provides the latest information on PVC pipe design, installation, and application for water and wastewater infrastructure projects.
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John Houle: Senior Technical Consultant, PVC Pipe Industry
John Houle holds a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Missouri and an MBA from the University of Oregon. He has more than 25 years of experience in the plastic pipe industry in applications engineering, market development, forensic analysis, technical writing, and standards development.
In 2024, ASTM standards for PVC sewer-pipe were revised significantly. For many years there had been two standards (ASTM D3034 for small-diameter and ASTM F679 for large-diameter). Now there is only one standard for all sizes: D3034 includes sizes of pipe from 3- through 60-inch. F679 has been withdrawn.
These changes mean that utility master specs and project specs need to be updated. All PVC sewer pipe falls under ASTM D3034 no matter what the size.
For our Technical Brief on the subject, please click here.
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